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Friday, March 23, 2018

Trump Third Rein of a con games.

It will be a shame for the GOP to con't to stand along the side line while a person like trump who never regret his views about people of this world who is the son of a man who was a hater of peoples of color pivot to a group of people who them-self are the leader of a hate group. The vulnerabilities of this act that been born is almost like the world was before I was born back in the 1930 where there was a man who talk the same way like Adolf Hitler who was just getting in to politic back by a hate group who in most people view is a psychopathic. If you want the young who at this time of the year are just going back to school to learn things about the world will soon see that this man is sowing the seeds of hate which if we don't try to stop him will be the next grow of hate like a Forest of tree with emphatic revulsion of hate for the world and our country the United States of American.